
Nabuuma Betty

Dr. Betty Nabuuma is currently a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Makerere University. Her teaching and research focus is in the areas of Thermodynamics, asset maintenance, strategic management, renewable energy and sustainable entrepreneurship. She holds a PhD in Engineering Management from Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK and an MSc. And BSc. in Mechanical Engineering from Makerere University, Uganda. While undertaking her PhD, she also worked part time at Loughborough University’s Engineering Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (eng CETL) as a university teacher developing engineering management modules. Prior to her career in academia, Dr. Nabuuma worked in the downstream oil industry as an equipment maintenance evaluation and monitoring engineer at Petro Services Limited. In this industry position, she was responsible for supervising installation and maintenance of equipment at fuel dispensing sites as well as ensuring compliance to health, safety and environmental guidelines by all technical staff. She is currently the project coordinator for MAK- TUM SEED project focused on using decentralized provision of electricity to support
